Come on, we're going to Oktoberfest

This book is a small treat for everyone that feels the pure joy of life when visiting the Oktoberfest.


It contains 60 sketches which highlight some of the loveliest Wiesn moments, along with short humorous lines in two languages, which are intended to make you smile, and perhaps remind you of one or two special times you may have had at the Wiesn over the years.

Printed version

ISBN 9783752629910

29,99 Euro (for Germany)


Hardcover, thread-sewing, 200g paper, white, glossy, 76 pages




ISBN 9783752616699  9,99 Euro


published on

January 27, 2021


Where do I get the printed version or E-book?

The book is available through


  • booktrade (fastest delivery)
  • BoD-Shop
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  • directly through me (individual orders, pre-payment required, while stocks last)

What is the best way to order the book online?

Link to Books on Demand (BoD) - Printed version

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